region name: Rana
region coordinates: 50.4067419N, 13.7705978E
map on
map on google
radius for area: 20km
all triangles over 20 km are processed
number of processed records: 496
processing time: 2024-12-27 14:54
used technology: org.jfree / smoothing Gaussian / XYSplineRenderer/ AI
The chart displays the number of flights exceeding the specified distances over a specific period across several years.
The data has been smoothed using Gaussian transformation and represented as spline curves.
The chart illustrates the number of flights exceeding 100 km across different years.
The data has been smoothed using Gaussian transformation and represented as spline curves.
The chart shows the distribution of pilot nationalities and their flights exceeding 30 km over several years.
For better readability, the chart has been adjusted.
If a nationality accounts for less than 2%, it is included under "Other."